Thursday, August 28, 2008

September 2008 - "Spiritual Depression: It's Causes and Cure" by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This month we will look at an older work by the late British pastor/theologian Dr. David Martin Lloyd-Jones, Spiritual Depression. This work takes a close look at the non-physical causes of depression in Believers and relies heavily on the Scriptures. As Gospel-driven people, we are "expected" and gifted to be joyful in all circumstances, yet we fall into sin and into the consequences of sins of omission and commission and can become downcast at times. Sin has been defeated by Christ. It's effects remain, though. Even in healthy people's lives, sad times come and we must mourn for periods of our walk. It's getting trapped in those times that is the problem. We must also be patient with those around us who are struggling with depression, mourning alongside them, and allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work of healing in them. If we were never sad, then our hearts would show themselves to be disconnected from the reality around us. If we are never rejoicing, then we have also strayed into the pit and we need to be helped. This book is an aid and a comfort in that struggle.